SWITCHBLADE ENGINE IS BACK IN – January 25, 2020 Using an engine hoist, we lowered the Samson V4 through the opening at the top of the prototype's tube frame. This opening will have an access hatch,...

SWITCHBLADE ENGINE IS BACK IN – January 25, 2020 Using an engine hoist, we lowered the Samson V4 through the opening at the top of the prototype's tube frame. This opening will have an access hatch,...
INSPECTION PRIOR TO RE-INSTALLING – January 24, 2020 With the engine back from dyno tuning, and on its stand, we took advantage of the easier access for some clean up and inspection. Sean Bliss...
LIDAR SENSOR FOR LANDING – January 23, 2020 The first photo gives the view from outside the bumper. You can see the downward facing lenses of the Lidar - which is a laser sensor that measures and...
LIDAR SENSOR FOR LANDING – January 23, 2020 The first photo gives the view from outside the bumper. You can see the downward facing lenses of the Lidar - which is a laser sensor that measures and...
SAMSON V4 ENGINE ACHIEVES 209 HP AT 6,000 RPM – January 22, 2020 Engine Dyno, Loyning's Engine Services - Portland, Oregon: With a combined total of 66 years of engine tuning, Arnie Loyning (left)...
IN THE ENGINE DYNO CONTROL BOOTH: LOYNING'S ENGINE SERVICES – January 21, 2020 As mentioned yesterday, we have the Samson V4 on the engine dyno at Loyning's Engine Services in Portland, OR. At the...
SETTING UP FOR TUNING ON ENGINE DYNO IN PORTLAND – January 20, 2020 We recently decided to take our Switchblade engine back to the experts at Loyning's Engine Services in Portland, OR to get it...
CHECKING FOR VIBRATION WITH NEW SWITCHBLADE FLYWHEEL – January 17, 2020 We received all of the parts necessary to bolt up the new Switchblade flywheel and clutch assembly to the engine and ran the...