Effort aloft to make New Hampshire a leader in flying cars
When it comes to New Hampshire’s future with flying cars – or “roadable aircraft,” to give the preferred term – advocates have their main argument ready.

Effort aloft to make New Hampshire a leader in flying cars
When it comes to New Hampshire’s future with flying cars – or “roadable aircraft,” to give the preferred term – advocates have their main argument ready.
NEW DUCT TAKING SHAPE – February 11, 2020 Chief Builder Ron Burch is shown carving out the opening for the new duct shape for the Switchblade's radiator. We definitely made improvements, and we are...
DECREASING DRAG PAYS OFF – February 10, 2020 Today we continued our Switchblade acceleration testing, with the engine powering just the propeller. With the doors, top hatch and engine bay access...
SWITCHBLADE GPS FULLY OPERATIONAL – February 6, 2020 This afternoon, Nick Leonard and Philip Mikula completed the final wiring and configuration for the GPS and transponder components. We are using...
INSTALLING THE LIDAR UNIT FOR SMOOTH LANDINGS – February 5, 2020 Switchblade Owner and Kit Builder Nick Leonard just arrived from Northern CA today and has completed his first task of wiring in the...
NEW RADIATOR FAN INSTALLED – February 3, 2020 The new radiator fan with custom 3D printed shroud, is now installed in the Switchblade prototype. We're looking forward to seeing the increased...
FINALIZING WIRING IN THE CABIN – January 27, 2020 Now that we're wiring up the engine again and getting all the systems in place, it's time to finalize the wiring in the prototype cabin. Electrical...
SAMSON SKY NOW HAS SWITCHBLADE RESERVATION HOLDERS & OWNERS IN ALL 50 U.S. STATES!! (AND 35 COUNTRIES) – January 27, 2020 We are proud to announce that Samson Sky now has Owners and Reservation...