The quarter scale model is coming together blazingly fast due to superhuman efforts of Joe Marine at Race Pro Engineering. He has been putting in 15 hour days+, and really working to make the deadline of first flight before AirVenture. We have the pilot lined up again, and video cameras ready for as soon as the plane is airworthy. Here are some images of progress. Joe has been working at closing in the back end of the vehicle. Due to the way the earlier molds were made, there are numerous small pieces to make up that area. We have sorted this out for the future molds, and for the full-size prototype, but due to time constraints, we have to make due with what we have in that area. Complicated! That is the word to describe things right now. Good for us, Joe is a problem solver and can sort quickly through layouts to make the best possible assembly.
Joe just weighed all parts, batteries, motor, spinner, prop and wheels. The total is just over 15 lb! Yahoo! We made it easily on weight, and have plenty of power. We still need to finish the last of the empennage (tail) mounting, control linkages, work out the correct center of gravity (cg), and make sure the plane is trimmed correctly for flight.
We have made the front wheel adjustable in height to easily change angle of attack there rather than de-mount the wing and change the angle through that means. When flight testing is done, we will use the final angle of attack for the main wing in all subsequent RC models. The model may (time permitting) get a coat of primer prior to AirVenture, but not likely before first flight. We need some days to edit the video and put together the clip for display at AirVenture. We will have a display of the model, flight videos, and X-Plane set up for those who want to try flying the Switchblade on their own.
Further pics will come as we get them. Much happening on the finance end as well, with AirVenture specials being announced there.