YTN, the ‘CNN’ of Korea, with over 5 million viewers worldwide, featured the Samson Sky Switchblade in their Science Documentary, “Homo Viator (Human Travel) – Future Discovery in Mobility”.

YTN, the ‘CNN’ of Korea, with over 5 million viewers worldwide, featured the Samson Sky Switchblade in their Science Documentary, “Homo Viator (Human Travel) – Future Discovery in Mobility”.
Samson’s Flying Cars Are Coming To A Dealer Near You
Do you hate road tripping, airports, and public transport? You’re not the only one. While the United States ranks 16th in its public transit infrastructure, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft are booming. Why? Convenience.
Samson Sky In Prineville, OR. Is Designing A Flying Car
Samson Sky in Prineville designed a flying car called the Switchblade. It has a large tail that folds up out of the back of the vehicle with the push of a button.
Prineville’s Flying Car Heading Toward Takeoff
There’s a worldwide race to see who can create the first-ever successful flying car. Samson Sky in Prineville is trying to soar ahead of the pack.
Samson Switchblade Flying Car Could Re-define Holiday Travel
How often have you arrived for a holiday get-together only to find yourself stressed-out due to the travel hassles you just endured while getting there?
The World’s Most Popular Flying Car Set on Eliminating Travel Stress
How often have you arrived for a holiday get-together only to find yourself stressed-out due to the travel hassles you just endured while getting there?
800 Orders Have Been Taken For This Flying Sports Car
We really hope that this flying car venture will actually get off the ground.
Flying Car Breaking Records
Flying car manufacturer Samson Sky just received Reservation Position number 800, breaking records with customers in 24 countries, and 46 out of 50 states in the US.