August 12, 2019

India TV with Switchblade

Car that Can Fly Showcased In Wisconsin Air Show

A flying car was showcased in an Air Show in Wisconsin, USA. Founder and designer Sam Bousfield calls it a “flying sports car” and can go 100 miles an hour on the ground and 190 flying. He says it will cost about $150,000.

Remember the Star Wars movies with Anakin Skywalker driving a flying sports car along with the legendary master Obi-Won Kanobi?

We might well be there in the real world too.
A flying car was showcased in an Air Show in Wisconsin, USA.

Founder and designer Sam Bousfield calls it a “flying sports car” and can go 100 miles an hour on the ground and 190 flying. He says it will cost about $150,000.

The Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual convention runs this week in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and they are showing off what could be the future of air travel.

Blackfly is made by a company named Opener and it’s a vertical take-off and landing aircraft, where the pilot doesn’t need a traditional pilot’s licenses and it’s fully electric.

AirVenture started Monday at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and runs through Sunday.

Published on INDIA TV NEWS  on July 25th, 2019


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