Driving On Air
“For more than a century, inventors, futurists, hucksters, journalists, and even a few blue-chip corporations promised, ‘Flying cars are just around the corner!’ But maybe, this time, they really are.
But maybe, just maybe—if you believe today’s engineers and entrepreneurs—our Jetsons future of “Personal Air Vehicles” (PAVs) may actually now be just over the horizon.
…Sam Bousfield, a former architect and a private pilot, founded Samson Sky in Redmond, Oregon, to design and build his Switchblade flying car. He’s convinced that, for now at least, roadable aircraft like his Switchblade… are the way to go.
The barriers are daunting. Then again, today’s commercial aviation system started from zero just more than a century ago. There’s no reason to believe an entirely new transportation mode couldn’t be developed—at least given enough time and money.”
Arthur St. Antoine, Writer
Automobile Magazine