Stators are fixed blades that are usually placed after a propeller to straighten the airflow out from the propellers. You can also get more thrust if you make the stators shaped like a wing. In our...

Stators are fixed blades that are usually placed after a propeller to straighten the airflow out from the propellers. You can also get more thrust if you make the stators shaped like a wing. In our...
Sam Bousfield, Switchblade designer and CEO of Samson Sky, has recently gotten to do one his favorite jobs - driving the prototype. He is our test driver for the downforce tests we are doing. (See...
Julian Duran of New Moon Aviation in Madras, Oregon, came to the hangar to help with our small weight reduction program. Julian has done numerous weight reduction programs for performance aircraft...
In our search for some additional acceleration that would help us test at a nearby airport rather than longer runways much further away, we decided to test the air flow in the duct. Our team is...
We at Samson have been working very closely with our new test pilot for this phase of flight, but we have not fully introduced him to you. He is Sean VanHatten, shown on the left taking off his...
We hope you're ready for some Friday fun. Now we're not officially claiming that this is a UFO above the hangar, but we thought we should share it with you anyway. Contact Us
The Samson Team put in another long day and was treated to this beautiful sunset at the testing airport. If you look closely you can see some yarn tufts on several of the tail surfaces. These are...
Late last week, we took the prototype down to where we could do a stationary engine run-up, prior to moving her to the testing airport. Our engine continues to look and sound great! Contact Us